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Any computer isn't perfect. This rule, sadly, is also about Macs. This article will explain if why these logos appear and how to fix any of these states.

Question mark

How it happens?
Usually, the question mark appears due to 2 reasons - either the hard disc has no software or data inside, or there's no hard disc at all

How to fix?

• If you have just received the computer from an Apple Store or a third party reseller, that's possibly due to the hard disc being empty and having no files inside. To do this, simply run the macOS installation described here.

You can skip the erasing of the disc, however you should definitely do this after buying the computer from a third party reseller.

• If you have already installed something, but you still see this logo, this possibly has to do with your hard disk
- To install the macOS again, buy a newer SSD. Also, you'll need an SSD to USB connector to be able to get the data out of your disk
- If you had some data in your Hard Disc, you can use the Disc Rescue app to restore all the data from your disk

If you have issues with getting the data out of your disk, we highly recommend you to contact us by clicking the email logo in the top right corner or to contact Apple Support.

Prohibitory sign

How it happens?
This happens when your hard disk has an incompatible software inside Mac.

If you have Windows or Linux installed on your hard disc, this is also ok because to work properly, Mac should feature at least one partition with macOS installed.

How to fix?
To fix the issue, simply run the clean macOS reinstallation, described here.

Lock sign with a text prompt

How it happens?
This happens because a previous user has set a firmware password - this password protects your Mac from being erased or damaged internally by users who don't know the firmware password.

How to bypass the firmware password?

The steps 1-6 are mandatory for all Macs which feature removable RAM slots.
For Macs from 2006-2010, steps 1-6 will possibly fix the issue.

To prepare your Mac for the process, do steps 1-6

1) Shut down the Mac computer, open up the back lid, disconnect the battery and make sure that the battery connector doesn't interfere with the motherboard surface in any way.

2) Take out one of the RAM slots, connect the battery and start up your Mac while holding Cmd+Alt+P+R.

3) Once you see the login screen, shut down your Mac computer.

4) Run the cycle of steps 2 and 3 three times.

5) Now, open up the lid again, disconnect the battery and put the disconnected RAM slot back in place.

6) Now connect the battery, close the lid and start up your Mac computer

Now, it's time for a Firmware Password Reset.

7) Restart your Mac and hold Cmd+R

8) At the menu bar, go to Utilities > Firmware Password Utility/Security Utility (search for the lock logo)

9) Select to turn off the Firmware Password

10) After turning the firmware password off, you should see the window with Password protection is off message.

If you still cannot get rid of a Firmware Password, contact Apple Support. Before doing this, make sure you have any purchase document right near you.

Globe logo

If you booted into Internet Recovery by holding Shift+Alt+Cmd+R/Alt+Cmd+R and you see this logo, you simply need to restart your Mac and try again. Make sure that your internet connection is okay. Also, plug in the power cord.

If the issue persists, simply go to our macOS installers download page, download the installer you need, make a bootable USB installer using a Terminal, plug in the USB, hold the Alt key on startup, select the "Install macOS USB", and proceed with the simple installation described here.

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