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Before doing this process, make sure that you have copied all of your files to an external storage location.Nachdem Sie sichergestellt haben, dass Sie über die CD verfügen, starten Sie Ihren Mac, während Sie die Alt-Taste gedrückt halten, wählen Sie Ihre Installations-CD aus und führen Sie eine saubere Mac OS X-Installation durch (weitere Informationen finden Sie hier).

The downgrading operation can be done to use some apps which are not compatible with newer macOS version.

If you want to use a 32-bit app, but you still want to have some of the new features, you need to downgrade macOS Mojave.

To downgrade your Mac:

1A) Create a macOS bootable installer (read more here)
1B) Restart your Mac while holding Shift+Alt+Cmd+R

In case you are doing the step 1B, you will be downgrading to the OS your Mac came preinstalled with and you don't need to do step 2

2) Now, restart your Mac while holding the Alt key to boot into the Book Picker and select the installer that you've just made.

3) Make a clean macOS installation (read more here).

4) You are ready to go!

Downgrading to Mac OS X 10.6 or earlier

To do so, simply grab a Mac OS X Install CD that came with your device. In case you can't find it, search for Mac OS X 10.- Install CD A---- (A---- is a model number, 10.- is a software version).

After you made sure that you have the CD, start up your Mac while holding the Alt key, select your Install CD and make a clean Mac OS X installation (read more here).

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