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On macOS 10.14 or later, to start a screen recording, simply open the "Screenshot" app in the Utilities folder in Launchpad, select the screen recording option (window with a record button) and hit enter.

Since there's no "Screenshot" app in macOS 10.13 or earlier, user should use the "Grab" app to take screenshots and the QuickTime player to start a screen recording

The Screen Recording feature is still available in modern versions of macOS based QuickTime player, however the "Grab" application is no longer in the macOS

To record a screen in QuickTime, you need to go by following sequence:

1) Open from Utilities folder in Launchpad

2) Go to File > New Screen Recording... and you'll see a following window

In the dropdown near the white-red circle, you'll be able to select the audio input method. Also, you can say there if you want mouse clicks to be visualised by the system, so the video will feature following elements:

-> on click, the black circle will appear

-> on click and drag, the video will show a green circle of the same size

After clicking the white-red button, select the screen portion you want to record and click anywhere on the screen to start recording.

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